What do the notches on the choke tubes mean?
The notches indicate the choke tube constriction. A lower notch count means more constriction (tighter). A higher notch count means less constriction.
- 1 notch = Full
- 2 notches = Improved modified
- 3 notches = Modified
- 4 notches = Improved cylinder
- 5 notches = Cylinder
What are the shotgun pattern specifications?
Our point-of-impact specifications are:
- Up to 2"" left or right of point of aim
- Up to 5"" above point of aim
- Up to 2"" below point of aim
If you choose to pattern your shotgun from a stationary rest, we recommend that you follow the same specifications used by our factory. Benelli shotguns are tested with a patterning board 20 yards from the muzzle using the method illustrated below. Overlay the front bead (red circle in the illustration) and the mid-bead (small black dot on the illustration). The top of the front bead should be held at the bottom of the target center.
Benelli shotguns are designed to place a higher percentage of the shot pattern slightly above the point-of-aim. This patterning design has proven deadly on waterfowl, upland birds and clays for decades and gives hunters the advantage of a more open sight picture. Less barrel covering up your target means better visibility. By design, this equates to the center of the overall shot pattern being a few inches above the point-of-aim.
There are ways to adjust the point-of-impact. Options may include adjusting the shims or changing to a larger front bead. We recommend that you contact our customer service department if you have additional questions.
What kind of maintenance do I need to perform on my Benelli firearm?
Maintenance may vary depending on the number of rounds fired, the type of powder in the shells, and the type of hunting for which the gun is used. Here are general guidelines.
- Bore and exterior surfaces – Clean and oil after every outing
- Bolt rails and recoil plunger assembly – Oil at the end of the day
- Bolt and trigger mechanism – Clean powder fouling and debris as needed; frequency will vary, depending on the kind of ammo used
- Gun, including the recoil assembly – Detail-strip, clean, and oil at the end of the season or any time the gun is submerged in water
Which chokes are recommended for steel shot?
These chokes are recommended for steel shot:
- 3 notches = Modified
- 4 notches = Improved cylinder
- 5 notches = Cylinder
Most people find that
- The modified choke works best for pass shooting
- The improved cylinder and cylinder chokes work well on decoying birds
There is no benefit shooting steel through a choke tighter than modified, and we do not recommend doing so.
When should I remove the forend of my Benelli M2 Field Shotgun, M2 Tactical Shotgun, or Super Black Eagle II Shotgun?
It is a good idea to keep a light coat of oil on the tube to prevent corrosion. A Benelli shotgun is different from other shotguns on the market today. There are no moving parts under the forend to clean or oil. There is just a magazine tube.
Which chokes are recommended for slugs?
These chokes are recommended for slugs:
- 4 notches = Improved cylinder
- 5 notches = Cylinder
A cylinder choke is recommended for shooting rifled slugs in a smooth-bore barrel. Sabot slugs should only be shot through our fully-rifled slug barrels.
It is not safe to shoot slugs through chokes tighter than those listed here.
What should I do if there is a problem with the function of my Benelli firearm?
Gather as much information as you can about the malfunction. For example, note exactly what load you were shooting, and whether the malfunction was sporadic or consistent (for example: always the third shot). The more you can tell us about the problem, the easier it will be for us to diagnose the malfunction.
Call the Benelli USA customer service department at (301) 283-6981 (option 2) or (800) 264-4962 (option 2) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET.
Why can’t I shoot steel through improved modified and full chokes?
The constriction on these chokes is very tight. Because steel does not compress, it can damage the barrel and choke as the shot charge passes through.
For patterns with steel shot, we recommend using Benelli extended waterfowl chokes for tighter patterns.
Can the safety on a Benelli shotgun be changed to left handed?
Yes. A gunsmith can change the safeties on all Benelli firearms to left hand. For safety reasons, only a gunsmith should perform this work.
To request work by Benelli gunsmiths, follow the simple steps on the Repair Request page of this website.
What is the best way to clean the recoil assembly in a Benelli shotgun?
For the Super Vinci or Vinci shotguns…
- Use the Super Vinci product manual or the Vinci product manual as a guide.
- Remove the entire bolt assembly from the action.
- Clean with a gun-cleaning solvent.
- Let dry.
- Lubricate with gun oil.
For all other models…
- Remove the butt pad and stock from the receiver of the shotgun.
- If your stock nut retaining screw looks like Figure A, proceed to step 3. If it does not look like Figure A, skip step 3 and proceed to steps 4 through 7.
- Using a 17 mm wrench, unscrew the stock nut retaining screw. Be careful because it is under pressure from the recoil spring. Once removed, take out the recoil spring and plunger. Clean both parts and the tube, apply a light coat of oil to all parts, and reassemble. You are now finished.
- Remove the trigger assembly. Hold the firearm over newspapers or towels. While holding the bolt in a half-open position, spray a cleaning solvent into the recoil spring tube at the rear of the receiver, where the link arm of the bolt rests. Work the bolt assembly back and forth so the solvent gets down into the recoil tube. Repeat until the gun solvent starts to come out clean.
- Let the recoil assembly dry for 5 minutes.
- Repeat the same process with gun oil.
- Reinstall the stock and butt pad.
How can I find a Benelli dealer?
Visit the dealers page of our website to find a Benelli dealer.
What types of problems would not be covered under warranty?
For a list of what is not covered under warranty, see the Warranty page of this website.
Where can I get a manual or schematic for my gun?
Download a manual from the manuals page of this website. If the manual for your product is not there, contact us.
Can I shoot slugs through a Benelli field barrel?
Yes, as long as you use rifled slugs and do not use any choke tighter than improved cylinder.
Where and how do I send my gun for warranty repair service?
To obtain warranty service, follow the steps listed on the Warranty page of this website.
How can I become a Benelli dealer?
If you have a storefront with regular operating hours and would like to stock Benelli firearms, contact us.
Where can I buy parts?
Use our dealer locator to find a Benelli dealer near you. Or visit our online store.